Jebus H. Christ. I'm beginning to forget what our teachers look like.
- Okay, obviously the big thing in my mind at the moment is the fact that WE HAVENT HAD SCHOOL FOR FREAKIN' EVER. Didn't have school over the weekend (obviously,) it snows on Sunday, no school Monday, Tuesday, today, or tomorrow. Insane. Of course, I've been having fun all these days (gaming, drawing, writing, music, sleeping, yadda yadda.) I've forgotten like everything I learned last week, but that's fine too.
MegaTokyo THE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHIZZY. Yes, I know I say this about something like every week, but THIS... this comic is truly a masterpiece. I spent most of Monday and a little bit of Tuesday reading through all of it up to today's comic... and it was totally worth it. Go read it sometime. I COMMAND YE.
- I've been getting drawing lessons... and they help. XD
No really, they have.
Err... that's all for this update. Expect another one tomorrow. Cause its my berfday and all tomorrow.