Yeah. Blog update! Woo.
- Yadda yadda, school's back, it's been back, but eh. Updates on it... not too many. I have two Study Skills on A days, which has made it so boring it hurts quite literally. At least I have no excuse for not having me homework ready... oh, wait. That's not a good thing. Meh. Everything else about school be peachy though.
- ... * just now realizes that theres shortcuts for typing in
bold? and
italics! Wiggy.
I feel so ignorant.
- What else... oh yeah, past happenings. New Year's party was awesome, longass game of Manhunt. Movie was hilarious on Saturday, and mall visit twas fun. And that soccer game was awesome(tiring) despite Marc's temper tantrum (rawr) and Erin getting beaned in the face by the soccer ball.
- *trying really hard to do good in short story contest*
I haven't written anything serious since I was in 8th grade... wahh. 9th grade was poetry (GODAWFUL POETRY, mind you) and last year and this year was focused more on drawing. So now I'm back into writing. Sortakinda.
- Prom coming... who to go with?
*shakes with laughter*
EDIT: Applegeeks and Lowbright added to the ever growing list of websites that rock.