Wierd Dream Numbah 1: A mysterious and completely uncalled for explosion rocks the... front stairs of my house. Yeah. And despite the fact that the outside of my house is brick and crap, the whole thing burns down. Mainly because when we call the fire truck, it stops about 5 houses away and the firemen sit there and watch it burn. So me and me family go and live in... Broughton's basement.
So yeah, I woke up at like 4:30, and went back to sleep, and along came...
Wierd Dream Numbah 2 (even wierder!): At least I know this one's influenced by something... Marc's war movie thing. So, yeah, somebody wanted to tape some random movie (forgot who it was... memory... fading) and it's this crazy gangsta-mobster movie thing. So Dom and Stefan and Marc are these hitmen sent out to cap this crime lord/pimp and his ho (played by, of all people, Zebbie and Molly o_O.) So Zebbie's sitting there in his chair,
Godfather style, and Dom, out of nowhere,
LEVITATES, floats over, and punches Zebbie in the stomach, while Stefan and Marc just kind of stand there. Meanwhile, I'm the cameraman, and since I forgot the video camera, I'm taping the whole thing through my glasses. Yes, my glasses. I was holding them like a video camera.
Telltale signs that I am indeed insane.
- Guild Wars is fun as hell. Go and get it so I have people to play with. NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE.
- Dave Matthews Band's new album is just their best yet, go and get that too.
EDIT: As I read that post, I realized that I said "so, yeah" a lot... GAH! WHO CARES? CRAZYHEAD! *mutilates self*